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Our Baby Cradle is the best gift for the newborn baby, for novice parents to free their hands. You'll love it. The clean and comfortable bed, make it easy for the baby to fall asleep. 

  • Does your baby always have trouble falling asleep? If      so, you should definitely try baby bassinet. This is a good sleep      solution. 
  • The bassinet with simple construction but strong, easy      to install a basic bassinet with breathable/mesh sides (for visibility and      safety) that had a nice flat mattress, not a fluffy nest. the clean and      comfortable bed, make it easy for the baby to fall asleep. 
  • It has soothing music, nature sounds, a ceiling      projector, a small nightlight, and vibration for a soothing baby.      Dual-mode lighting! Choose from soothing projection and night light (The      light projection unit is removable & can be used as a tabletop      soother). Before your child falls asleep, listen to music and look at the      projected stars. This baby will slowly fall asleep and have a good dream. 
  • There has a large space underneath to put diaper caddy      etc. The small article that darling USES commonly is placed here, receive      a space very well, very convenient again when using. 
  • It is the best gift for the newborn baby, for the      novice parents to free their hands. You'll love it.

Baby Cradle for Newborn Soothing Motions Bassinet

SKU: D-BO-KM6493
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